Romania and Germany are collaborating within a project developed by BMW Group, regarding the partnership development with several Romanian IT companies, in order to produce software for the automotive industry, affirmed the Ministry for Business, Commerce and Entrepreneurship, during the discussions held in Germany with the German homologues.
“Even if the two countries have a different development path, the challenges faced by small and medium companies either in Germany and Romania regarding the digitalization process are comparable. Therefore, the cooperation in this field and the development of common projects for small and medium companies stimulation in order to adapt to the new European trend of industry digitalization are priorities in the relation with our German partner.
A successful result of our common effort is represented by the partnership development project with Romanian IT companies regarding the software production for automotive industry, which BMW Group runs in Romania’’, Petrescu said.
There were discussions centered on dual learning, a key element within the Germany economy development, which starts to shape also in Romania, becoming more and more structured, because of the German companies present within our country.
„We have elaborate a dual learning model applicable in Romania and to be implemented on nation level and the different collaborations forms with the German party gave us the debate frame and expertise transfer applicable on this field’’ mentioned the Romanian Ministry, quoted by Agerpress.
Our country meets all the criteria in order to be part of OCDE organization, therefore we also discussed this aspect, in order that Romania become member of OCDE.
“The commercial relation with Germany is very good, but I consider that together we can make it even stronger by gradually passing from row materials export to distributing products with a high added value. We want that the value of imports from Romania to reach from 1.26% from the total German imports, how it is today, up to 3%’’ outlined Alexandru Petrescu.
According to the official data, Germany is Romania main commercial partner, with 21% from its total commercial exchanges with the European countries. Thus, at 31 of December 2016, the bilateral commercial exchanges reached 26,15 billion Euros, with a grow of 12,39% respect to 2015, from which 12,34 billion Euros in export( +14,63%) and 13,80 billion Euros in import (+10,46).
AdBlue® is a solution compatible with Diesel engine Euro IV,V and VI, which contains demineralized water and urea CO(NH2)2 with a concentration of 31.8%- 33.2%
( according to the ISO 22241-1 International Standard) and it is useful for the majority of vehicles and agricultural equipment.
AdBlue® is no fuel, neither an additive and it is not mixed with the gas, but it must be injected into the evacuation system in order to reduce the pollution. It is a key product for all vehicles using the SCR Technology( Selective Catalytic Reduction) which reduces the toxic emissions, especially the nitrogen oxides with almost 80%.
The AdBlue® consumption is around 3-5 liter per 100 liter of gas ( for Euro V) and around 6-9 liter (for Euro VI).
It is an ecological liquid, non-toxic, biodegradable, safe and easy to manipulate.
This solution is chemically stable, with a point of freeze at -11 °C and the optimal storage temperature of 25°C, without direct sunlight exposure.
Moreover, by using a high quality, certified AdBlue® you can have additional advantages as the fuel consumption reduction with almost 5%.
Dinamic Efficiency
AdBlue® is a key product for all vehicles using SCR technology
Quality and Efficiency
AdBlue® reduces fuel consumption by up to 5%. This process takes place in two stages: elimination of particles and reduction of nitrogen oxides
Monday - Friday
09.00 - 18.00
09.00 - 14.00